Check out Google Books
if you haven't already checked this out it is Google's way of listing all the world's books! Yes, all the books in the world. For us marketers it is also a way to promote your own book.
How it works:
Just like a search engine. You enter the keyword or phase you are looking for and google reterns all the books whose contents match your search term.
I tested it out...I glanced over on my shelf and saw the book: "Getting to Yes", I typed the word "yes" in to the search box and the second book after the book "Yes" was "Getting to Yes" which was the book I was looking to find. Interesting.
How about the contents inside of books? For all you "Devil Wears Prada" Girls. I am going to search under the name: Lily Goodwin, a free-spirited graduate student in Russian literature at Columbia with curly black hair, who rooms with Andrea (main character in the book), her longtime friend whom she went through high school and college with.
- Err, no natta, nothing...Google couldn't find this one. What about the main character? Andrea Sachs
no luck again, so in conclusion, if you search for titles, descriptions, and text on the outside of a book you are in luck.
Of course since it is Google, they have the Publisher's Program.
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