Monday, July 12, 2010

Blogger in the News - Lunch Box Mom

This article is about Sarah Vander Schaaf - one exhausted mama with a baby that didn't sleep. She started blogging on blogspot about her daughter that didn't sleep. Like many other bloggers she connected with other moms. She did Q and A with moms at the playground and wrote about topics near and dear to her heart ad a mommy. Her blog is now receiving national attention as she is now part of a milk promotion.

Here is a link! Congrats Lunch Box Mom.



BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

It's crazy how things can take off!

Unknown said...

How cool! All sorts of cool things happen to mommybloggers. Thanks for the compliment on my story. I've decided to share this one with my fellow bloggers. It will also be available in print when Im done as well for all that don't know that my blog exists. lol